2025 Conference Speaker Proposals

If you are interested in submitting a conference workshop session, please complete the following survey. You will be asked to upload a session synopsis, a speaker bio, and a headshot. Submissions will be accepted through March 14, 2025. You may submit more than one proposal for consideration; to submit multiple sessions a separate form will need to be submitted for each session, however, the bio and headshot only need to be submitted once. The conference theme is Hope in Action: Building a Brighter Tomorrow. Community Action Agency staff who speak at the conference will receive a discount code for registration.

The 2025 Summer Conference will be held July 14 - 17, 2025 at the Sheraton Grand Rapids Airport Hotel. Sessions will be held on July 15, 16, and 17 and we will try our best to schedule speakers on their preferred day and time. 

If you have any questions about the submission process please contact Michelle Stevens mstevens@micommunityaction.org

Thank you for your interest in being a speaker at the 2025 Michigan Community Action Conference.

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

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Primary Contact
Who will be the primary contact that should receive communications about the conference?

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Speaker(s) Contact Information

Please provide the speaker's first and last name 

20MB max

20MB max

Select if you have contact information for an additional speaker. If no other speakers need to be added, leave blank.

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Speaker(s) Contact Information

Please provide the speaker's first and last name

20MB max

20MB max

Select if you have contact information for an additional speaker. If no other speakers need to be added, leave blank.

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Speaker(s) Contact Information

Please provide speaker's first and last name

20MB max

20MB max

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Session Information

What Date/Time will work best for your session? Please select all that will work with your schedule. We will do our best to honor these preferences

Tuesday, July 15th - AM
Tuesday, July 15th - PM
Wednesday, July 16th - AM
Wednesday, July 16th - PM
Thursday, July 17th - AM

Please upload session information that includes an overview with learning objectives, and a brief synopsis for use in the conference program. 

20MB max

Select all that apply

Small group work
Building a policy, plan, or other product during session

Please indicate which conference track/topics your session falls into (you may select more than one).

Organizational Excellence
Innovative Practices/Programs
Partner Programs
Community Level Approaches

Session rooms will have a computer, clicker, screen, and a projector. 

Audio (speakers)
Flip Chart/Markers

Please indicate the type of speaker compensation you are requesting.

Speaker Fee
Honorarium (Discounted Fee)

If Speaker Fee or Honorarium were selected above please enter the amount to be charged.

Please select the attendee type(s) that your session is best suited for (select all that apply).

Front-line staff
New CAA Staff
Board Members
All Attendees

We will have a photographer present for one day of the conference taking pictures of sessions and conference activities. Do you give your permission to have your photo taken? Photos may be used for future marketing and conference materials.
